Cellular Voltage and Healing Through Grounding (The importance of touching the ground barefoot)
The Earth's electrical charge is negative. This abundance of electrons or negative ions is essential for us to generate energy.
When you walk barefoot on the ground, millions of negative electrons enter your body per second. These electrons act as antioxidants because free radicals are molecules that lack an electron. Cancer and other diseases develop when there are large quantities of free radicals. Therefore, the Earth is a great donor of electrons.

When you touch the ground, your body recycles, resets, and charges with negative electrons. These electrons are not negative for us; they simply have a negative charge. To be healthy, your body needs a cellular voltage of -20 millivolts. Below this voltage, fatigue and pain begin, and it can reach positive levels of up to +40 millivolts, which would be cancer.
The more negative the voltage, the healthier our system is. That is why we need negative voltage or negative ions. We can obtain them in different ways, and one of them is by being in contact with the ground.

An important fact is that today's shoes are insulators due to the rubber sole, which prevents negative ions from entering our body. We spend days without being grounded, moving from home to the car (which also has rubber tires) and walking with insulating shoes.

Before going to sleep, we should touch the ground. When we have static electricity, it is because we are at a minimum and urgently need to touch the ground. This is very oxidizing.
Hugging trees also provides us with electrons if we cannot touch the ground with our feet, as they are grounded and transfer electrons to us.

Electroencephalograms show positive results after touching the ground, as do blood tests. The results improve significantly after grounding, indicating that it is a good anti-inflammatory system for the body and a way to oxygenate the system.
Source: This content is based on the information provided in the video from Sacha Barrio Cellular Voltage and Grounding (Minute 25). In this video you will understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and energetic cell.
Keeping the body and cell free of toxins, one of the methods can be to touch down and very necessary, another could be to take shilajit.